Low doses of CBD (also known as microdoses), taken each day over time, may create more constant, sustainable improvements in sleep, anxiety, focus, and pain.
Turmeric’s earthy flavor brings to mind comfort – warming curries and robust spice blends. Originating in Southeast Asia and grown mainly in India and Thailand, the root of this flowering botanical is where its benefits dwell.
Have you ever walked past a patch of lavender or enjoyed a whiff of lavender oil, only to feel an immediate sense of calm? Lavender is one of the most well-known botanicals, and it has benefits above and beyond just its soothing scent.
You might see hibiscus in your daydreams, during that Monday morning or Friday afternoon meeting, distracting yourself with thoughts of a tropical island vacation, with a blue sea, bright sun, and lush flowers. But back in reality, hibiscus is a hard-working botanical that can bring us powerful relief.